C&C Tridacna Maxima Blue Abstract Maxima - Live Tridacna Clam - WYSIWYG - clickcorals

C&C Tridacna Maxima Blue Abstract Maxima - Live Tridacna Clam - WYSIWYG

Regular price $175.00 Sale price $65.00 Save $110.00

What You See Is What You Get. Guaranteed free of pyramid snails, no gaping, responsive, a healthy foot, a shell the aligns properly, and no pinched mantle issues. Buy from the clam experts.

Keep in mind that shipping is something extremely stressful on clams. Clams house an alga within their mantle called ZOOXANTHELLAE. The reason that we feed the clams so heavily before they leave is to help with the shipping process. The food helps naturally give the clams carbs, sugar, and glycerine to burn during the trip since light is not available to them. At ClickCorals we pride ourselves in having over a 97% live arrive rate. However, we do have a guarantee should your new tank member not arrive alive. Simply contact us within 2 hours of the delivery time and we will refund your money minus shipping. It must be within 2 hours of the package showing delivery time and you must be there to accept your package on the first delivery attempt. Be advised that all clam shells receive an anodized process on them so that we can identify them as OUR clams even through pictures. When submitting us a picture we will be able to tell if it is the same clam that was shipped to you. DSFR